So this is about a fictional character again. Hmm
So if I could meet or have a fictional character to fall in love with me, who would it be? Gah, would there be someone who would fall with me?, an avid fangirl. (LOL). Oh thanks to today’s challenge for I could be ambitious , AGAIN.
I admire Inuyasha since I was a kid. But I don’t think he is the one whom I’d like to fall inlove with me. Hmmm…. Maybe L of death note?
Yes he is weird, don’t have a cool posture, but he is a genius and has a warm personality. (plus he is good looking too. XD) And that is what I admire about him . I guess the question must have been change to : “If there is a fictional character who would make you fall inlove, who would it be?”. But ahhh, never mind.
I like him to fall inlove with me (Oh wait this statement is just so oh, not me. TT.TT) for we both inloved with mysteries. (Lol I was just kidding). I want him to fall inlove with me so that I could run away with him riding on his Angel Crepe. (Oh sorry again XD).
Ah seriously , I don’t want to talk about this. I don’t want to make this post longer. Should you let me just end this day challenge with this, please? (:<)